
We Teach Technology

We teach technology

[caption id="attachment_1239" align="alignright" width="300"]sarah-trains Laketec Service Coordinator Sarah Abfall hosts a training class for Laurel Lake residents.[/caption]

At Laketec, every person in the company shares a passion for technology.  Sharing that passion often manifests itself in formalized training classes for our customers.  Once we complete a project for our customer, we take pride in ensuring that the end users and administrators are as self sufficient as they want to be.  We offer end user training as well as admin training depending on the system and technology deployed.  Need a certification?  We can we place you with one of our training partners to ensure you're ready for the test.

We also host quarterly events including lunch and learns, technical briefings, and webinars.  We hope to see you at one of our upcoming events soon!

Laketec Testimonial

Joe Little

General Manager

We are very fortunate to have an Engineering team who loves leading training classes for customers.  We’ve found that having the same Engineer who deployed the system also train the end users provides the best possible customer experience.

Tom provided clear and concise guidance while we worked through the physical setup, installation, and configuration of our vSphere environment. He helped with all types of tasks while we rearranged our datacenter, he explained concepts as I asked questions related to our systems and what I had learned in the ICM class, and instead of pushing through like a bulldozer to finish everything up, he respected my requests to slow down and allowed me to work through problems or concepts on my own.

Dan F.

American Tank and Fabricating

Our Partners

We don’t do it all on our own. See our network of valued partners.