Applying Prevention Capabilities to Defeat Cyberattackers
We continue to learn more about measuring prevention readiness and making threat prevention an organic part of IT architecture. As an element of this, we are building confidence that our mission at Palo Alto Networks® – to protect our digital way of life – is achievable.

When we speak with IT and security leaders, we consistently observe a couple of things:
1. They lack confidence that they know what is happening in their enterprises.
2. They look to the cybersecurity community – which includes us – to help them create modern architecture strategies based on prevention. The legacy best-of-breed approach and auditing relationship between IT and security professionals fails to protect organizations from successful attacks.
Given the challenges in information security today, both observations make sense. Collectively, we have a significant amount of
intelligence about the attackers we face, including:
• Their techniques
• Their attack vectors
• Their tools
• Indicators of compromise
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