Greater Visibility, Tighter Control, Less Effort

Enterprise Class Management: Panorama keeps the enterprise user in mind. Control your internet and data center edge, and your private and public cloud deployments, all from one single console. Panorama can be deployed via virtual appliances, our purpose-built appliances or a combination of the two. Use appliances as Panorama management units or as log collectors in hierarchical deployment options. As your network grows, you just need to add the log collectors – we take care of the rest.
Unmatched Automated Visibility and Awareness: Automated threat correlation, with a predefined set of correlation objects, cuts through the clutter of monstrous amounts of data. It identifies compromised hosts and surfaces correlated malicious behavior that would otherwise be buried in the noise of too much information. This reduces the dwell time of critical threats in your network. A clean and fully customizable Application Command Center provides comprehensive insight into current and historical network and threat data.
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