Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows

Enterprise-Level Backup and Recovery

veeam-agent-for-microsoft-windows-imageDue to various factors, including complex hardware configurations and regulatory compliance requirements, some physical servers and workstations cannot be virtualized. And everyday occurrences such as lapses in connectivity, hardware failures, file corruption — even ransomware or theft — can leave an organization’s data at risk.

Veeam® Agent for Microsoft Windows solves these issues and also closes the gap that some enterprises face with large, heterogeneous environments and further enables workload mobility by delivering Availability for cloud-based workloads.

Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows adds the same, proven guest processing engine found in Veeam Backup & Replication™, which helps bring the power and flexibility you need to ensure Availability for your physical Windows workstations and servers, through:
• Active full backupsNEW
• Application-aware processing1NEW
• File indexing and search1NEW
• Instant Recovery to Microsoft Hyper-V VMNEW
• Integration with Veeam Backup & Replication*
• Server-specific scheduling and retention1NEW
• Synthetic full backupsNEW
• Transaction log backup for databases1NEW
• Full support for Windows Server 2016NEW and Windows 10
• And more!


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